July 1963

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NASA Marshall Space Flight Center selected General Dynamics/Ft. Worth and Douglas Aircraft Co. to conduct paral­lel studies of manned Mars exploration flight "in the unfavorable time period" (1975-85). Under seven-month contracts, the com­panies would outline the mission and development program for the Mars flight, identifying spacecraft and booster systems and select­ing mast promising mission profile. (Space Bus. Daily, 7/5/63; L.A. Times, 7/9/63; Marshall Star, 7/10/63,8)

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center awarded $100,000 contract to Boeing Co. for six-month study of logistics spacecraft to be used for ferrying men and equipment to and from orbiting space station. Studies would be of two wingless lifting bodies: M-2, developed by NASA Ames Research Center, and HL-10 originated at NASA Langley Research Center. (MSC Space News Roundup, 7/24/63, 8)

Raytheon Co. announced development of one-lb. laser capable of sending 10 voice messages for more than one mile over infrared beam. New laser used mixture of neon and xenon gases. (NYT, 7/28/63)

USAF announced it was establishing three-man Gemini liaison and support office at NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Under Col. William A. Stellenwerf, office would deal primarily with Titan II launch vehicle for Gemini and recovery requirements. (Av. Wk., 7/15/63, 31; A-N-AF Journ. & Reg., 7/13/63, 16)

  • July

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