Mar 13 2004

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Japan's Mobile Broadcast Corporation and South Korea's Sun Kyung Telecom launched the Loral Mobile Broadcasting Satellite (MBSAT), which the two companies had designed to provide the world's first digital multimedia broadband broadcasting system. The MBSAT, launched on a Lockheed Martin Atlas 3 rocket, carried a 40-foot-diameter (12.2-meter-diameter) antenna designed to provide audio, video, and data services to users of portable audio and visual devices in Japan and South Korea. International Launch Services (ILS), a U.S.-Russian private company, provided the launch services for the Japanese-South Korean joint venture. (Craig Covault, “Mobile Milestone,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 160, no. 12 (22 March 2004): 35; International Launch Services, “About Us,” http://www. ilslaunch. com/a bout-us/(accessed 18 March 2009).

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