Feb 24 2005

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NASA announced the completion of its pioneering Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) project, which, since 1996, had focused on developing technologies to improve the capacity of transportation aircraft operations at and between the major airports of the National Airspace System. The AATT project had collaborated with the FAA and the airline industry to develop decision-support tools for air-traffic controllers, airline pilots, and air-operations managers. Tools developed and implemented through the AATT project included: the Traffic Management Advisor, operational at eight Air Route Traffic Control Centers, which helped controllers manage air traffic by sequencing aircraft as the craft approached their destinations; the Surface Management System, scheduled for transfer to the FAA, which helped airport controllers and company traffic managers coordinate aircraft departures from the gate, preventing delays at the runway; other technologies, which helped aircraft fly the most direct route to their destination and assisted traffic managers in managing in-flight aircraft collaboratively; and new communication and visualization technologies, which helped airline industry personnel better understand air-traffic patterns and future trends. Michael R. Landis, Manager of the AATT project, remarked that NASA would incorporate many of the technologies and concepts developed by the AATT project into the Next Generation Air Transportation System, the initiative of the government and industry to modernize the National Airspace System. (NASA, “NASA Developed Tools for Successful Air Travel Program,” news release 05-058, 24 February 2005, http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2005/feb/HQ_05058_Improving_Air_Travel.html (accessed 19 August 2009).)

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