Jun 27 2005

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The Stafford-Covey Return to Flight Task Group (SCTG) announced that it considered the Space Shuttle Discovery safe enough to fly again, even though NASA had not undertaken some steps recommended by the CAIB to ensure the Shuttle's safe launch. NASA had planned to launch Discovery as the first Shuttle flight since the Columbia accident in 2003 and had established the Task Group to review NASA's compliance with the CAIB's critical recommendations. Task Group members stated that, although NASA had not complied with all of the CAIB's 15 critical recommendations, the Space Shuttle was ready to resume flight, and NASA was responsible for making the final decision to launch the Shuttle. NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin was unclear about how the Task Group's findings would influence Shuttle launch plans. (Traci Watson, “Safety Panel: NASA Failed To Fix Critical Issues with Shuttle,” USA Today, 28 June 2009.)

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