Nov 10 1963

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X-15 No. 2, being remodeled under USAF contract by North American Aviation, Inc., would have as one of its most important research objectives the testing of a ramjet engine modi­fied to burn liquid hydrogen. Using the basic configuration of the Navy's Typhon missile engine, the ramjet would slow the supersonic airstream of the X-15 to subsonic speed for burning in the engine. Theoretically the ramjet flying at 4,600 mph should be twice as efficient as a jet engine. (Clark, NYT, 11/10/63, 88)

Sen. Albert Gore (D.-Tenn.) wrote in the New York Times Maga­zine about space law and the Dryden-Blagonravov agreements : "This agreement, though limited in nature, is significant if for no other reason than that it indicates there are some areas in which our two countries have found it possible to cooperate in outer space development. If successfully implemented it can, perhaps, lead to other and broader agreements. The Dryden-Blagonravov agreement relates to scientific and technical matters. It was achieved despite political differences. Similarly, agreement should be possible on some legal questions if we can isolate those questions from political considerations. "Perhaps if we can build on these small areas of agreement an escalation of the arms race into outer space can be avoided. It is conceivable that science and technology, so often in history energized by the threat or event of war, may, through space re­search and development, pave the way for removal of the barriers erected by hate, fear, and suspicion." (NYT Magazine, 11/10/63, 23 ff )

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