Apr 19 1993

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Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)

The new Keck Telescope in Hawaii, the world's largest optical and infrared telescope, revealed unprecedented detail in an image of the farthest known galaxy in the universe. The image showed a galaxy in the constellation Lynx, near the Big Dipper, that was thought to be 12 billion light-years away. (W Post, Apr 19/93; B Sun, Apr 18/93)

The New York Times reported that a dispute had broken out in the Clinton administration over Vice President Al Gore's attempts to convince President Clinton to fulfill a campaign pledge to reduce the threat of global warming. Gore urged the President to commit the United States to freezing at 1990 levels the amount of global-warming pollution stemming from cars, trucks, and factories; the standard would be reached by 2000. Other administration officials, principally Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen and Energy Secretary Hazel R. O'Leary, contended that the administration had not adequately studied how such a mandate would affect American industry. (NY Times, Apr 19/93)

Russian officials announced that two Russian cosmonauts had taken a space walk to rearrange solar panels on the outside of the Mir Space Station in order to increase the panels' efficiency. The rearrangement also would prepare the Mir for an eventual docking by the U.S. Space Shuttle. The cosmonauts encountered several problems during the walk and had to stay outside their capsule longer than planned. (AP, Apr 4/19, Apr 4/20; RTW, Apr 20/93; USA Today, Apr 20/93)

NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin announced the appointment of Jeff Lawrence, a senior congressional staff aide with experience in space and aeronautics matters, as the agency's Associate Administrator for Legislative Affairs. (NASA Release 93-70; W Post, Apr 21/93)

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