Dec 24 1963
From The Space Library
NASA and AEC announced revision in Project Rover, canceling development of Rift (Reactor-In-Flight-Test) stage and deferring flight objectives of Nerva (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application). Rover's Kiwi ground reactor program was unchanged. Work towards development of flight systems was deferred until technology learned from Kiwi and Nerva is "satisfactorily established." Revision was expected to save as much as $180 million of planned and programmed funds in FY 1964 and FY 1965. NASA and AEC now will concentrate on ground reactor and experimental engine research, development, and testing "with particular emphasis on analyzing and understanding power levels, temperatures, operating life, and problems of frequent and reliable restarts." (NASA Release 63-285)
Perth, Australia, was ablaze with Christmas lights far into the night. Perth was celebrating its new tradition as "City of Lights" begun Fob. 20, 1962, when its lights were a beacon for Astronaut John H. Glenn's orbital Mercury space flight. (Lukas, NYT, 12/28/63, 6)
U.S.S.R. fired missile into Pacific target area south of Hawaii and east of Johnston Island, part of testing series beginning early this month and extending through Jan. 25. (AP, Wash. Post, 12/27/63)
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