Jan 5 1963

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RELAY I communications satellite made two successful intercontinental television test transmissions between Andover, Me., and Goonhilly, England, one for 23 min. and the other for an hour ; teletype tests were also successfully made from Nutley, N.J., to Fucino, Italy. NASA said RELAY 1’s power difficulty had apparently corrected itself, but “project officials have experienced difficulties with RELAY responding properly to command Tests during the past three days were possible by employing special operational procedures and altering command sequences to the satellite. Experiments will continue to evaluate the satellite’s communications and command systems.” (AP, Wash... Post,1/6/63, A8)

A Russian Embassy official in Washington quietly collected from the US. State Department the Russian satellite fragment that fell in Manitowoc, Wis., on September 5, 1962. U.S.S.R. had previously ignored U.S. offer; made at U.N. last fall, to return the reentered fragment. ( Wash. Post, 1/6/63, A8)

Gov. Nelson Rockefeller was preparing his proposal for establishment of New York science and technology institution, it was reported. Proposed state institution would offer both under-graduate and graduate study in science and technology. Rockefeller and state university trustees were expected to appoint committee of educators and scientists to develop detailed plans. (Orlando Sentinel, 1/5/63)

AEC expenditure for military nuclear-reactor R&D was reported: $1,355,700,000 through start of current fiscal year. (A-N-AF Journal & Reg., 1/5/63,6)

President of MIT, Julius A. Stratton, announced plans for new Center for Space Research on MIT campus. NASA would provide $3 million of the total $4 million cost. (Boston Sun. Advertiser, 1/6/63)

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