Jan 25 1963

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NASA announced selection of Rohr Corp. of Chula Vista, Calif., to design, manufacture, install, and test advanced antenna system to be located at Goldstone Tracking Station. Expected to be completed in 36 months, antenna system would improve communications capability of present Deep Space Network by factor of 10 ; for example, when used with future deep-space probes, antenna will make possible communic3ations over distances to the “edge” of the solar system. (NASA Release 63-13)

Unnamed U.S. official was quoted as saying Astronaut Gordon Cooper’s one-day Project Mercury flight M -9 was set for April 2, “for planning purposes.” Flight would be 18 orbits (about 27 hours) or, if all goes well, 22 orbits (about 34 hours). NASA had not yet officially announced precise launch date in April or length of flight. (AP, Wash. Eve. Star, l/25/63, A2)

Maj. Gen. Don R. Ostrander (USAF), of USAF Office of Aerospace Research and former NASA Director of Launch Vehicle Programs, said in address to National Capitol Section of American Rocket Society, Washington, that formal definition of “basic research” as used by USAF is “effort directed toward an increase in fundamental knowledge in science . . . . “It is true that we have many unresolved problems in this business of basic research. On the credit side o f the ledger, however, I believe that there is a general and increasing recogition at the responsible levels of government and industry that basic research provides the foundation not only for our military capability but for our economic progress as a nation. Thus, in its truest sense, basic research is everybody’s business, and everyone, to a greater or lesser degree, has a responsibility toward it. I believe that this responsibility can best be exercised by a partnership of government, the civilian scientific sector, and industry. I don’t believe, however, that we have yet reached a consensus as to the final terms of this partnership . . . .” (Text)

The first counter-insurgency (COIN) aircraft, a modified B-26, was rolled out in ceremonies at Van Nuys, Calif. The program is the responsibility of the Aeronautical Systems Division (ASD) , Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. (AFSC Operational Highlights, 11)

10-day injunction by U.S. District Court Judge William J. Lindberg halted threatened IAM strike against Boeing Co. President Kennedy, after receiving report from special board of inquiry, had ordered Justice Dept. to seek the injunction on grounds that such a strike would endanger national security. (AP, Wash. Post, 1/26/63)

Atlas ICBM was launched from Vandenberg AFB in routine training launch for SAC missile crews. (DOD Release 105-63)

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