Feb 8 1963

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R. J. Parks, JPL Manager of Lunar and Planetary Programs, told aerospace medicine conference that MARINER II inter-planetary probe recorded unexpected temperatures on its flight past planet Venus. When spacecraft passed Venus, temperature of solar panels exceeded 250°F and temperature of batteries reached 130°F (compared to 70° at launch time), Parks said. (Wash. Eve. Star, 2/9/63, A5)

First meeting of NASA-USAF board to coordinate joint participation in Project Gemini. Board included NASA Associate Administrator Robert C. Seamans and USAF Assistant Secretar Brockway McMillan as co-chairmen; Maj. Gen. O. J. Ritland DOD special assistant for space, L. L. Kavanau ; NASA Director of Manned Space Flight, D. Brainerd Holmes; and NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Defense, Adm. W. F. Boone. (M&R, 2/18/63,9)

Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., P-1127 jet fighter completed vertical take-off and landing test aboard aircraft carrier Ark Royal. Spokesman for the British company said P-1127 was first aircraft other than helicopter to achieve this feat. (AP, Wash. Post, 2/9/63 ; National Observer, 2/11/63)

Field Enterprises Educational Corp., publishing subsidiary of Marshall Field, was reported as having offered NASA astronauts a multimillion-dollar contract for their personal stories. Spokesman for Field Enterprises said proposition was under discussion with C. Leo DeOrsey, Washington lawyer representing original seven Mercury astronauts, and Harry A. Batten, Philadelphia advertising man representing nine Gemini-Apollo astronauts. (NYT [Western Ed.], 2/9/63)

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