Feb 18 1963

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Attempted launch of sodium-vapor cloud experiment from NASA Wallops Station was not successful because second stage of Nike-Asp launch vehicle failed to perform properly. (W al lops Release 63-16; M&R 2/25/63)

Internal temperatures of Mercury and Mariner spacecraft could have been reduced by 50° to 80° F-while in orbital flight but not considering effect on re-entry, if the exteriors had been painted white, according to Konrad Buettner, Prof. of Atmospheric Sciences at Univ. of Washington, Seattle, in Missiles and Rockets. (M&R, 2/18/63,23)

County Judge Thaddeus Pruss ruled in Wisconsin that metal particles allegedly from SPUTNIK IV satellite were to be re­turned to their finder, Thomas Williams, Brown Deer, Wis., said to be first known test case involving space law. (UPI, Wash. Daily News, 2/18/63)

NASA determination "to go ahead with its liberalization of patent licensing regulations, despite Congressional opposition," was re­ported in Missiles and Rockets, which added that NASA had "been encouraged by a still-unannounced Kennedy Administration deci­sion to favor a similar policy throughout the government." (M&R, 2/18/63,9)

Polaris A-3 missile fired by USN from Cape Canaveral headed off course and had to be destroyed by range safety officer. (UPI, Wash. Post, 2/19/63)

Six-man task group to formulate contractor evaluation group sys­tem was reported by Missiles and Rockets to be working under office of DOD Director of Defense Research and Engneering. In­ cluding five DOD staff members and one NASA member, group had already selected six contracts as "representative of medium and large development programs documenting contractor performance in the two major categories being studied [engineering develop­ment and operational systems development]." (M&R, 2/18/63, 11)

USAF announced first silo-launching of Titan II Feb. 16 was con­sidered partially successful; despite autodestruct 56-sec. after launch, the ICBM performed well in leaving the silo and in gaining altitude. (AP, Wash. Post, 2/19/63)

February 18-27: FAA, NASA, and DOD conducted a test program at Ed­wards AFB to determine the effects of the sonic boom on light air­aircraft other safety-of-flight factors were investigated by sub­ jecting light aircraft and helicopters to sonic booms while on the ground, in cruising flight, in turning flight, and near-stall config­uration in the case of fixed: wing aircraft. A report on test re­sults will be issued following analysis and evaluation of data. (FAA-19)

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