Oct 23 1962

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Thirteen incorporators named by President Kennedy to set up communications satellite corporation elected Philip L. Graham as chairman. Graham is president of The Washington Post Co. and board chairman of Newsweek.

X-15 No. 3 piloted by Maj. Robert A. Rushworth (USAF) reached 134,000-ft. altitude and 3,818-mph speed in test to evaluate the craft's re-entry stability without its ventral tail fin.

International Association of Machinists announced it had requested the Government to seize Lockheed Aircraft Co. plants and to operate them until an "equitable contract" is achieved. IAM said it had "exhausted all avenues of settlement that lay within the confines of free collective bargaining. . . there remains only the strike weapon, [but] we fully realize the gravity of such a work stoppage in this critical period (of the Cuban crisis)."

Walter M. Schirra is debriefed after his Mercury Atlas 8 flight.

Mercury Atlas 8 Pilot Debriefing Pt 1

Mercury Atlas 8 Pilot Debriefing Pt 2

Postlaunch memorandum of the 3rd Manned Orbital Space Flight (Mercury Atlas 8/Sigma 7) is released

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