Mar 9 1964

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Subcommittee on Advanced Research and Tracking of the House Committee on Science and Astronautics voted (5-3) to not authorize the $10 million NASA requested for FY 1964 for beginning construction of electronics research center. (AP, NYT, 3/10/64, 26; SBD, 3/11/64, 385)

House passed H.R. 9637, FY 1965 authorization for military procurement of aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels, and for research, development, test, and evaluation. Of the $16,976,620,000 total authorization, $6,363,320,000 was for R&D. (NASA LAR 1II/42)

Atlas ICBM exploded in its underground silo near Roswell, N. Mex., as it was being fueled. USAF said there were no casualties. (UPI, NYT, 3/11/64, 14)

USAF conducted briefing on the technologies associated with A-11 advanced experimental aircraft for officials of airlines and aviation manufacturing companies involved in U.S. supersonic transport development. (FAA Release 64-21)

Aviation Week and Space Technology reported that the A-11 advanced experimental aircraft had "already flown long-range reconnaissance missions over communist territory." Government officials flatly denied the report, maintaining that the mach 3.5 aircraft had never been on any mission outside U.S. territory. (Av. Wk., 3/9/64, 16; UPI, Wash. Post, 3/10/64)

Federation of Italian-American Democratic Organizations of New York presented to NASA a plaque honoring the late President Kennedy and Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. The plaque, which commemorated Vespucci's sighting the area now called Cape Kennedy, was accepted by NASA Administrator Webb in ceremonies at NASA Hq. (NASA Announcement 64-47.) It was subsequently hung in the Hq. building of Kennedy Space Center, NASA; KSC Release 61-64)

Appointment of David S. Johnson as Director of National Weather Satellite Center, effective April 1, was announced by Chief of U.S. Weather Bureau Dr. Robert M. White. Mr. Johnson succeeded Dr. S. Fred Singer, resigning to become Dean of new School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Univ. of Miami. Deputy Director of the Center since its formation in 1962, Mr. Johnson had been engaged in research, development, and technical management of meteorological satellites and sounding rockets since 1958. (Commerce Release WB 64-6)

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