Jan 28 1968

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Airborne laboratory, Convair 990 jet aircraft Galileo, had completed more than one week of flights above Alaskan-Canadian area in NASA'S 1968 Airborne Auroral Expedition, based at Churchill Re­search Range, NASA reported [see Jan. 18]. Scientists had obtained hundreds of unique color photos of auroras and had reported unusually clear night views of towering auroral displays. Aircraft had pro­vided superior data at altitudes previously reached only by balloons. Expedition scientists intended to establish more precisely width and ex­tent of Auroral Oval region-belt usually located below 80° north lati­tude and often extending as far south as 55° north latitude. (NASA Re­lease 68-18)

Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Committee had success­fully installed and tested Pakistan's first satellite tracking station at Dacca, East Pakistan. Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) station capable of receiving cloud-cover photographs via U.S. Nimbus and ESSA satellites would enable meteorologists to forecast cyclones, which fre­quently struck Pakistan. (AP, NYT, 1/29/68; AP, NYT, 2/20/68, 61)

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