Mar 22 1968

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Cosmos CCIX was successfully launched by U.S.S.R. into orbit with 945-km (587-mi) apogee, 871-km (541-mi) perigee, 103.1-min pe­riod, and 65.3° inclination. (SBD, 3/25/68, 136; GSFC SSR, 3/31/68)

NASA Aerobee 150 sounding rocket launched from WSMR carried GSFC payload to 129.4-mi (208.2-km) altitude to measure spectral irradiance of Gamma star in constellation Vela and of Zeta star in constellation Puppis using UV stellar spectrograph. Rocket performance was satis­factory. Instrumentation performance was marred by loss of fine point­ing 17 sec before end of second exposure. (NASA Rpt SRL)

NASA authorized partial restoration of primary structure of M2-F2 lift­ing-body vehicle so it could be removed from inspection jig used to determine damage sustained in landing accident May 10, 1967. It would be returned by builder, Northrop Corp.'s Norair Div., to FRC by late summer. OART would determine future research work on M2-F2 from "flight results and other experience obtained from both the M2 and the HL-10." (FRC Release 10-68; ARC Astrogram, 3/28/68, 2)

Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.), member of Senate Committee on Inte­rior and Insular Affairs, on Senate floor praised construction of Wis­consin Regional Space Center as "a place where the layman can ac­quire information about the developments and our accomplishments in the space age." He inserted in Congressional Record article by Barbara E. Kocjan, stenographic coordinator of projects for Center, describing Center as "a highly effective teaching laboratory that can readily be tied into the on going programs of tens of thousands of elementary and secondary schools and hundreds of colleges and universities." (CR, 3/22/68, E2151)

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