Dec 4 1964

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USAF launched Atlas-Agena D from WTR with unidentified satel-lite payload. (HHN-48)

Nike-Cajun sounding rocket reached 85-mi. altitude in launch from Cham-ical, Argentina. Instrumented payload apparently obtained good data in measurement of electron density, electron temperature, ultraviolet and solar x-radiation flux. Test was second of two Nike-Cajun launches by NASA and Argentina's National Commission of Space Research. (NASA Rpt. SRL)

The Athena rocket was successfully fired by USAF from Green River, Utah, to a target area in the White Sands Missile Range, N. Mex. (M&R, 12/14/64, 10)

NASA awarded 19 supplementary or new research grants and contracts total-ing $914,889 to 17 universities, colleges, and private research institu-tions. (NASA Release 64-305)

Army Corps of Engineers announced award of $8,079,003 (NASA funds) fixed-price contract to Malan Construction Co. of Koppers Co., Inc., for construction of a rocket engine test stand at the NASA Mississippi Test Operations. (DOD Release 856-64)

AFSC Space Systems Div. announced that Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. would receive a $3,180,000 increment to a previously awarded contract for work on the Gemini program target vehicle system. (DOD Release 856-64)

Joseph A. Darr, Jr., and John Reeves of NASA Flight Research Center re-ceived plaques from President Johnson for their dollar-saving contri-bution to the X-15 research rocket airplane. Darr and Reeves were cited for the design and construction of a portable engine inspection cart that was used to check the systems operation of the LR-99 rocket engine which powered the X-15. Use of the cart saved 500 man hours and about $150,000, NASA estimated. (NASA Release 64-303)

Air Force Systems Command reported that Rome Air Development Center (RADC), sponsoring approximately $1 million annually in computer research and development, was major Air Force agency performing re-search in the computer field. According to Alan R. Barnum, Chief of RADC's Data Processing Section, "antiC's primary responsibility in com-puter research is development of high speed computer devices and spe-cial computers to meet peculiar Air Force problems. Also, methods of programming computer instructions, development of larger and faster computer memories and research in a new area called artificial intelli-gence." (AFSC Release 11-64)

ComSatCorp said it had 140,000 public shareholders, with more than half holding ten shares or less, and with 95 per cent holding 50 shares or less. This total did not include an estimated 60,000 public stockholders whose shares Were held for them by securities firms and banks and, therefore, not listed in their own names. ComSat stock climbed 61/2 points to close at a new high of 551/2 on the New York Stock Exchange. It ranked as the second most active issue with a turnover of 134,200 shares. (ComSatCorp Release; Vartan, NYT, 12/5/64, 39)

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