Mar 31 1963

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Washington Post reported that the Federal Communica­tions Commission had proposed a compromise between astrono­mers and commercial television interests on channel 37 of the radio spectrum (608 to 614 megacycles). Astronomers wanted chan­nel 37 set aside for science; TV interests wanted it for commerce. FCC proposed, article said, that 600-mile circle around Danville, Ill., would reserve channel 37 for the University of Illinois radiotelescope until January 1, 1968. Any channel 37 as­signed elsewhere, such as in Paterson, N.J., would be off the air between midnight and 7 a.m. local time. (Wash. Post, 3/31/63, A2)

Reported that Boeing Co., North American Aviation, and Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. had won study contracts on the proposed supersonic transport airplane. The (Seattle) Post-Intelligencer quoted Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D.-Wash.) as saying he and Senator Henry M. Jackson (D.-Wash.) had received con­firmation of the awards from FAA Administrator Najeeb Halaby. (AP, Wash. Post, 4/1/63)

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