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Organization NASA-OfficeofSpaceFlight(UnitedStates)
Mission type Earth Science,Human Crew,Solar Physics
Launch date October 6, 1990 (1990-10-06)
Launch vehicle Space Shuttle
Carrier rocket {$Carrier Rocket}
Launch site Cape Canaveral, United States
COSPAR ID 1990-090A
Mass {$Mass}
Experiments Here
Alternate Names SSBUV02,20841
Nominal Power {$Nominal Power}
Additional Information Here
Data Collection Here
Payload Mass Up 22140.0 kg

STS-41 was the 11th Discovery flight with Richard Richards, Robert Cabana, Bruce Melnick, William Shepherd, and Thomas Akers on board. This mission deployed the Ulysses spacecraft, a joint, NASA/ESA mission to study the poles of the sun and the interplanetary space above and below the poles. Two upper stages, Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) and a mission-specific Payload Assist Module-S (PAM-S), combined together for first time to send Ulysses toward out-of- ecliptic trajectory. Other payloads and experiments: Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) experiment; INTELSAT Solar Array Coupon (ISAC); Chromosome and Plant Cell Division Experiment (CHROMEX); Voice Command System (VCS); Solid Surface Combustion Experiment (SSCE), Investigations into Polymer Membrane Processing (IPMP); Physiological Systems Experiment (PSE); Radiation Monitoring Experiment III (RME III); Shuttle Student involvement Program (SSIP) and Air Force Maui Optical Site (AMOS) experiment. The mission duration was 96 hours 10 minutes 2 seconds.

Mission patch: