Sep 18 1963
From The Space Library
One-year anniversary of orbiting of TIROS VI meteorological satellite, its year-long operational lifetime setting new record for weather satellites. On July 31, 1963, TIROS VI discovered first hurricane (Arlene) of 1963 season in tropical Atlantic; altogether, TIROS VI photographed two hurricanes in Atlantic, two tropical storms in eastern Pacific, eight typhoons in central and western Pacific, as well as sand storms in Saudi Arabia and ice conditions in southern and northern hemispheres. Along with TIROS V it supported Mercury space flights of Astronauts Schirra and Cooper. National Weather Satellite Center issued about 600 weather advisories around the world based on some of the 63,000 cloud-cover pictures from TIROS VI. (NASA Release 63209: Commerce Dept. Release WB 63-11)
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D.-Minn.) said on Senate floor that U.S. "should take the initiative, at this session of the United Nations General Assembly, to create a constructive and conciliatory climate which could lead to a serious discussion between the United States and the Soviet Union of the basic political issues of the cold war." Of the five issues he proposed, two dealt with space exploration "We should make clear our willingness to cooperate with the Soviet Union and with other nations in the field of outer space. The whole question of exploration of outer space and of the law that will govern outer space are ripe for further discussion and bold new actions . ." Commenting on New York Times report that Soviet Academician Anatoli A. Blagonravov had "suggested that it might be advisable to discuss the possibility of cooperating between the United States and the U.S.S.R. in the assault on the moon," Senator Humphrey urged: "Despite the technical problems that might be involved in such a cooperative venture, it is my view that such proposals on the part of -Soviet officials should not be hostilely rejected. Rather they Should be given careful consideration." (CR, 9;18/63, 16536-37)
GSFC selected two companies for negotiation of contracts pertaining to Nimbus weather Satellite. $252,000 contract to General Electric Co. called for development of operating procedures for Nimbus control center as well as training of personnel to operate the center. $165,000 contract to RCA Electron Tube and Semiconductor Div. required contractor to furnish Solar cells for Nimbus Satellites and Nimbus operational System. (GSFC Release G-19-63)
USAF launched Thor rocket with delta-wing re-entry payload from AMR, first flight test in Project Asset (Aerothermodynamic Elastic Structural Systems Environmental Tests). Payload reached 35-mi. altitude before re-entering atmosphere at 10,900 mph Speed and landing about 1,000 mi. Southeast of Cape Canaveral. Recovery efforts were not successful. Good data on temperatures and pressures of the payload were obtained during the 20-min. flight; the various materials of the payload were Subjected to re-entry heat up to 4,000°F. (AP, NYT, 9/19,/63, 8) )
Army Corps of Engineers awarded NASA contract to Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory for estimate of power needs of a manned lunar base and design of nuclear generator that could be sent to the moon for such a base. Data would be used by NASA in evaluating feasibility of lunar base. (DOD Release 1255-63)
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