Sep 29 1963

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Argo D-4 sounding rocket launched from Wallops Island, Va., in experiment to measure vertical distribution of ion­ospheric parameters simultaneously with overhead passage of ALOUETTE I topside sounder satellite. The rocket reached 644.6 ­mi. altitude and all experiments functioned normally, but telem­etry system failed at approximately 12 min. so about 7 min. of re-entry data were not obtained. (NASA Rpt. Of S. Rkt. Launch­ing)

Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Chairman of National Aero­nautics and Space Council, interviewed in Washington Post mag­azine, Parade. Asked "with all our needs on earth, can we afford to spend $20 billion to go to the moon?" he replied "We can't afford not to spend it. Only the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. have the resources for extensive space exploration. If we are to lead the free world and insure our own security, we must be first in space. This does not mean that we must neglect other urgent needs. We have ample resources to explore space and do the other things, as well." Asked "What is our ultimate destiny in Space?" he replied: "I don't know, nor does anyone else. Columbus didn't find what he was looking for, but I think we're all pretty glad that he took that voyage. Einstein, when he produced the formula . E=MC2, didn't know that it would change the course of history. "I am sure of one thing-the benefits which will flow from our venture into space will be beyond anything any of us could imagine. "Until now, in space, no shot has been fired in anger. Thank God. My hope is that, in the years ahead, the conquest of Space will encourage peaceful co-operation among nations and become a substitute for war. "In the hostile environment of space there are challenges all mankind must share. We - all nations, that is - should go out there together, hand in hand." (Parade, Wash. Post, 9/29/63)

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