Aug 20 1967

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NASA published the first extensive chart of the far side of the moon. Compiled by USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Center using NASA-supplied photos, map covered more than 75% of the moon's hidden side. Approximately 85% of the photos used were provided by NASA Lunar Orbiters I , II , III , and IV; remaining 15% were provided by Soviet Zond III. Map was released to assist astronomers at the International Astronomical Union, convening Aug. 22 in Prague, in naming features on moon's far side. (NASA Release 67-220)

USN successfully conducted first underwater launch of the Poseidon missile off the coast of San Clemente, Calif. Missile was expected to be operational by 1970 aboard 30 of the 41 Polaris submarines. (W Post, 8/21/67)

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