Oct 31 1967

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Sprint, launched from underground cell as the high-speed, short-range missile for ABM system, completed successful test flight at WSMR when it hit intercept point in sky after several planned sharp maneuvers. Interception simulated actual one for incoming enemy missile and was programmed into computer for 27-ft-long missile. Sprint tests had been conducted since March 29,1965. (DOD Release 1040-67)

Georgi Petrov, director of Soviet Academy of Sciences' Space Exploration Institute, claimed that docking of Cosmos CLXXXVI and Cosmos CLXXXVIII, "for its technical perfection and the possibility it has opened for space exploration, is of greater importance than the American experiment in manual docking . . . [of Gemini VIIand GATV]. Since the completely automatic linkup, despite the difficulty of its realization, will always be more economical as regards the payload which is so expensive on an orbit, this will make it possible to solve the tasks of helping the crews of space vehicles and open up new prospects for arranging experiments that demand a great weight on an orbit around the earth." (SBD, 11/1/67,3)

Dr. Ludwig Roth, 58, McDonnell Douglas director of Saturn-Apollo extension program, died in Redondo Beach, Calif. Born in Gross-Gerau, Germany, he had been an associate of Dr. Wernher von Braun in pioneering rocket engineering and space sciences. He had served as Assistant Director of Army Ballistic Missile Agency. (AP, NYT, 11/3/67,43; World Space Directory, Fall 1967,155)

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