Contents of Spaceflight Magazine Volume 12

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Title Co-Authors Page
Keeping Track of Earth Satellites 2
Satellite Digest-18 8
"Dr Henry C. King, Planetarium Director " 10
The Role of the Artist in Astronautics David A. Hardy 14
Space Exploration: Its Application to Everyday Needs 17
Application Technology Satellite P. J. Parker 18
Sun Study Satellite P. J. Parker 21
The Apollo 12 Landing Site R. J. Fryer 23
The Soyuz Group Flight Fyodor Ivanov 26
Space Report 29
To the Moon on £45 34
Apollo 11: a Systems Analysis David Baker 35
Manned Mars Landing Missions Using Electric Propulsion John S. MacKay 41
Society News 47
Reviews 48
A Guide to the Moon's Farside C. A. Cross 50
Status Report on Space Programmes and Policies of the Federal Republic of Germany A. Spaeth 56
Skylark: Two Hundred Up! G. Lewis 60
The Small Astronomy Satellite M. R. Townsend and C. E. Fichtel 63
Space Report 67
Satellite Digest-19 G. Falworth 75
The Triumph of Apollo 12 P. J. Parker 77
Making Space Work for India H. P. Mama 82
What Do Members Want? L. J. Carter 83
A General-Purpose Onboard Satellite Computer D. K. Sloper and J. S. Squire 88
Objects in Heliocentric Orbit-1 G. Falworth 92
Small Technological Satellites G. K. C. Pardoe 95
VOLUME 12 NO. 3 MARCH 1970
Mars in Focus 98
Planning the Grand Tour 104
"Personal Profile. R. P. Haviland, Space Engineer " 106
2001: A Space Odyssey Frederick I. Ordway 110
The Triumph of Apollo 12 P. J. Parker 118
Apollo Mission Plans R. J. Fryer 120
Satellite Digest-20 Geoffrey Falworth 122
Space Report 124
Society Meetings 126
Experimental Biology of Extreme Environments and its Significance for Space Bioscience S. M. Siegel 128
Eye on Aurorae P. J. Parker 131
The ESRO IV Satellite P. J. Conchie 132
Society News 136
Reviews 139
Objects in Selenocentric Orbit-1 Geoffrey Falworth 143
VOLUME 12 NO. 4 APRIL 1970
Langley Research Center J. R. Millburn 146
Lunar Orbit Rendezvous 152
Project Apollo: The Portable Life Support System 155
Space Report 158
Satellite Digest-21 Geoffrey Falworth 163
'New Frontiers' Kenneth W. Gatland 166
"Hibernation, Hypothermia and Interplanetary Flight " B. A. Gooden 167
The Nearest Other Solar System? A. T. Lawton 170
Which Highway to the Stars? James Strong 174
The Phenomenon of Time Dilation D. F. Lawden 178
Some Problems Posed by the Planet Venus Jukka Nikander 180
Society News 184
Reviews 187
VOLUME 12 NO. 5 MAY 1970
NASA's Revised Space Programme Thomas O. Paine 190
Year of Apollo 191
A Soviet Year in Space K. L. Plummer 193
Project BETA: A Single-Stage Re-usable Launch Vehicle Dietrich E. Koelle 197
Space Report 200
Satellite Digest-22 Geoffrey Falworth 206
Europe and the Future Intelsat Statutes 208
Simulating a Lunar Landing C. A. Cross 209
A Guide to Stellar Objects J. S. Griffith 213
The Future of Space Law C. E. S. Horsford 220
New-Generation TIROS J. Parker 221
Reviews 223
Film Reviews P. M. Moulton 227
VOLUME 12 NO. 6 JUNE 1970
OAO Probes 'Larger' Universe 230
Space Stamps B. H. Hawkins 232
Mission to Jupiter P. J. Burinskas 237
On the Lifetime of Cosmos Satellites Jean Meeus 239
Thor and Delta P. J. Parker 240
Orbiting Solar Observatory A. W. L. Ball 244
Space Report 248
Satellite Digest-23 Geoffrey Falworth 253
Testing Electric Propulsion in Orbit 254
Experimental Biology of Extreme Environments and its Significance for Space Bioscience-2 S. M. Siegel 256
Society News 259
Satellite Digest-1964 Geoffrey Falworth 261
Correspondence 268
VOLUME 12 NO. 7 JULY 1970
The Lunar Rover Henry Kudish 270
Japan: Fourth into Orbit 274
Small Read-out Stations for Meteorological Experiments N. E. Peach 275
Space Report 278
Satellite Digest-24 Geoffrey Falworth 282
The New Decade in Space President Nixon 284
The LM Landing Radar David Baker 286
Astronomical Notebook J. S. Griffith 289
A New Look at Space Spin-off J. A. Cade 291
Correspondence 293
Planning the Space Future Krafft Ehricke 294
A Philosophy for the Space Age P. M. Molton 295
Book Reviews 297
Film Reviews J. C. Gilbert 303
Satellite Digest-1965 Geoffrey Falworth 304
Lunar Science Results P. J. Parker 310
Statement by NASA Administrator T. D. Paine on Space Co-operation 315
A Day to Remember William Kral 318
Spacecraft to Mars P. J. Parker 320
Soviet Communications Satellites K. L. Plummer 322
Satellite Digest-25 Geoffrey Falworth 325
Personal Profile: J. Gordon Vaeth 326
Space Report 330
Astronomical Notebook-2 Dr J. S. Griffith 333
The Apollo 14 Landing Site R. J. Fryer 350
Apollo 11 Presentation 354
'We Have a Problem!' P. J. Parker 356
Satellite Digest-26 Geoffrey Falworth 359
Soviet-French Co-operation in Space K. L. Plummer 360
Space Report 362
Photometric Observation of Planets at Interstellar Distances A. T. Lawton 365
The Last Frontier D. F. A. Edwards 374
Some Comments on 'The Phenomenon of Time Dilation' A. V. Cleaver 378
Society News 380
Record Flight of Soyuz 9 382
Satellite Digest-1966 Geoffrey Falworth 383
Correspondence 388
The Nuclear Rocket 390
The Apollo 11 Solar Wind Experiment J. E. D. Davies 395
Space Stations and Shuttles 396
Space Report 400
Correspondence 408
Satellite Digest-27 Geoffrey Falworth 409
Astronomical Notebook J. S. Griffith 413
Investigations of the Atmosphere of Venus T. Ransome 415
Society News 418
Book Reviews 420
Satellite Digest-1966 Geoffrey Falworth 424
Organizing International Participation in the Post-Apollo Program Arnold W. Frutkin 430
The Soviet Boosters 434
Pathfinders to the Outer Planets 436
Life Elsewhere 438
The 4th European Space Conference A. V. Cleaver 440
Man in Space 442
Satellite Digest-28 Geoffrey Falworth 443
Space Report 444
The Solid Boosters of Titan III-C P. J. Burinskas 452
British National and Common­wealth Collaborative Sounding Rocket Programmes B. G. Pressey 455
Society News 458
Report of the 25th Annual General Meeting 460
Satellite Digest-1967 Geoffrey Falworth 463
Skylab "David Dooling, Jr." 470
Why go into Space? Walter A. Elliott 476
The Astronauts' Charter? Brian L. Kieran 478
Space Report 480
Satellite Digest-29 Geoffrey Falworth 486
Lagrange Points and Application I Ransome 488
Astronomical Notebook-3 J. S. Griffith 491
"Visit to R.A.E., Aberporth " 494
Correspondence 496
Film Reviews P. M. Molton 497
Book Reviews 499
Satellite Digest-1967 Geoffrey Falworth 503