Contents of Spaceflight Magazine Volume 20

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Title Co-Authors Page
Into Space by Low Technology? Kenneth W. Gatland 2
From Molniya to Ekran Theo Pirard 9
Space Report 13
Satellite Digest - Ill Robert D. Christy 17
Arthur Valentine Cleaver, OBE An appreciation by Arthur C. Clarke, Wilfred Neat, Alan Bond and others. 19
BRITAIN FROM SPACE An Educational Supplement i-viii
Evolution of the Space Shuttle - 6 David Baker 21
The Cosmonauts - 13 Gordon R. Hooper 30
Space Exploration at the Science Museum Dr. E. J. Becklake 31
Book Reviews 34
Correspondence 38
Ariel 5: A British Triumph Malcolm J. Abe 42
Space Report 48
On Humanity's Role in Space Jesco von Puttkamer 55
Evolution of the Space Shuttle - 7 David Baker 60
Britain's Military Satellite Ian Hayes 67
Names of US Manned Spacecraft Curtis Peebles 69
Spacemen in the Wet Dave Dooling 71
Satellite Digest - 112 Robert D. Christy 73
Book Reviews 74
Correspondence 76
VOLUME 20 NO. 3 MARCH 1978
Martian Dust Storms - A Mechanism for Transportation of Life? Geraint Day 83
United States Missile Ranges: Origin and History David L. Skinner 89
Space Report 105
Evolution of the Space Shuttle - 8 David Baker 110
Satellite Digest - 113 Robert D. Christy 116
Society News 117
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 118
Correspondence 120
VOLUME 20 NO. 4 APRIL 1978
The Sounds of Earth 123
Meteosat: Europe's Geo­stationary Weather Satellite 127
Advanced Launch Vehicle Systems and Technology M. W. Jack Bell 135
Korolev and Khrushchev and Sputnik James E. Oberg 144
Space Report 150
33rd Annual General Meeting 154
The Report of the Council 156
Satellite Digest - 114 158
Correspondence 159
VOLUME 20 NO. 5 MAY 1978
Birth of the Russian Rocket Programme Lester E. Winick 162
EVA and the Space Shuttle J. E. Catchpole 174
Space Report 176
Infrared Astronomical Satellite W. I. McLaughlin and W. H. de Leeuv 187
Satellite Digest - 115 Robert D. Christy 192
Book Reviews 193
Correspondence 196
VOLUME 20 NO. 6 JUNE 1978
Switchboard in the Sky F. W. Fordyce, L. Jaffe and E. C. Hamilton 203
Space Report 217
Soviet Atmospheric and Surface Venus Probes Nicholas L. Johnson 224
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 229
Saturn IB - A Retrospective look at major space achievements David Baker 234
Satellite Digest - 117 Robert D. Christy 235
Correspondence 237
Book Reviews 239
VOLUME 20 NO. 7 JULY 1978
U.S. Reconnaissance Satellite Programmes Anthony Kenden 243
Quo Vadis? H. E. Ross 263
Space Report 265
Where Are They Now? David J. Shayler 272
Satellite Digest - 117 Robert D. Christy 276
Book Reviews 277
Correspondence 279
The New Landsat 283
Space Report 292
The Skean Programme Phillip S. Clark 298
Cosmonaut Training Maj-Gen Alexei Leonov 305
A Comparison of Various Aspects of the Manned Space Programme John H. Fadum 306
Living in Space American Style: An interview with Joseph Kerwin, M.D. Mario Mutschlechner 307
Venus Calls Again Heikki Oja 310
Asteroid Chiron – The First of a Few? Anthony T. Lawton 312
Satellite Digest – 118 Robert D. Christy 314
Correspondence 315
VOLUME 20 NOS 9 & 10 SEP.-
A Soviet Space Shuttle? Kenneth W. Gatland 322
Where Are They Now? David J. Shayler 327
A Satellite That Takes the Earth's Temperature 331
Centaur Reaches Fifty Andrew Wilson 333
Making Clouds in Spacelab Christine Duncan 338
Harry Ernest Ross 340
The Space Telescope – A Giant Step in Astronomy Dr. C. R. O'Dell i
The Space Telescope Geoffrey Hugh Lindop iii
Space Report 341
The Debate on SETI in the Soviet Union Boris Belitsky 346
Communication Between Intelligent Beings Anthony T. Lawton and Penny Wright 348
Observations of 1977-66A, Cosmos 929 The Kettering Group 353
Satellite Digest – 119 Robert D. Christy 356
Correspondence 357
The Planet Mercury C A. Cross 363
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 371
The Guardians Curtis L. Peebles 381
Space Report 386
Training for the Space Shuttle Curtis Peebles 393
Satellite Digest - 120 Robert D. Christy 396
Report - 33rd Annual 397
Correspondence 399
Apollo and Zond – Race Around the Moon Nicholas L. Johnson 403
Venus Unveiled? Staff of NASA 413
Space Report 420
Index Vol. XX 1978 424 29th IAF Congress i-iv
Charon – A Companion to Pluto A. T. Lawton 428
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 430
Satellite Digest – 121 Robert D. Christy 438
Book Reviews 439
Correspondence 440