Contents of Spaceflight Magazine Volume 27

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Title Co-Authors Page
VOL. 27 NO. 1 JANUARY 1985
Spacecab II: A Small Shuttle David Ashford 3
Correspondence 5
Space Report 6
Twenty Years in Space 10
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 13
Personal Profile Erik Quistgaard 18
Soviet Space Exhibitions Brian Harvey 21
The BIS in Space Dr. L. R. Shepherd 23
Halley's Return Dr. J.K. Davies 28
Commercialising Space Dr. D.G. Stephenson 30
Astronomical Notebook Prof. J. Griffith 34
41D: The Debut of Discovery John Pfannerstill 36
Satellite Digest - 179 R.D. Christy
The 39th Annual General Meeting 44
From the Secretary's Desk 55
Book Notices
VOL. 27 NO. 2 FEBRUARY 1985
The Space Station R. Gibson 51
UK Space Station Participation Dr. D.J. Stanley 57
Platforms, Modules and the Space Station Dr. R.C. Parkinson 58
US Manned Space Station: General Implications P.G. Wicher 60
To the Moon 62
Correspondence 63
Space Report 65
News from the Cape G.L. Harris 69
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 71
A New Eye on the Universe Dr. J.J. Burger 76
Flying the Space Plasma Lab John Bird 79
Missions to Salyut P. Clark & R. Hall 81
Satellite Servicing John Bird 83
Solar System Notes Prof. J. Griffith 84
Astronautics at Lausanne 86
Satellite Digest - 180 R.D. Christy 91
From the Secretary's Desk 92
VOL. 27 NO. 3 MARCH 1985
Space: The Future of Mankind - I 98
Space: The Future of Mankind – II Dr. George Mueller 104
Correspondence 108
Space Report 110
Future Space Transportation M.W. Jack Bell 114
Japanese Space Science Neil Davis 115
The Mystery of Bayer's Uranometria L.J. Carter & A.T. Lawton 117
Satellite Tracking with GEODSS Joel W. Powell 129
Salyut Mission Report Neville Kidger 132
Astronautics at Lausanne 136
Satellite Digest - 181 R.D. Christy 140
From the Secretary's Desk 141
Book Notices 143
VOL. 27 NO. 4 APRIL 1985
UK National Space Plans 147
Correspondence 148
Space Report I. 150
Dreams and Fantasies Dr. R.C. Parkinson 154
Space Science in Europe Clive Simpson 158
A Tribute to Krafft Ehricke 162
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 163
The International Halley Watch Dr. S.J. Edberg 171
Shuttle Mission 41G Report John Pfannerstill 174
Space Quiz 182
Satellite Digest - 182 R.D. Christy 184
Society News 186
From the Secretary's Desk 188
Book Notices 191
VOL. 27 NO. 5 MAY 1985
A Positive Future for ESA Norman Longdon 194
Correspondence 195
Space Report 198
The Mars Dual Orbiter Dr. F. Taylor 202
The ESA Science Programme Gordon Whitcombe 206
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 210
News from ESA 214
Daedalus: A New View 216
The Vega Missions Phillip Clark 218
Seeing Comet IRAS with a Radar Eye Dr. R.F. Jurgens 221
In Retrospect Charles Tharratt 226
The Big Communicators Larry Blonstein 229
Satellite Digest - 133 R.D. Christy 236
From the Secretary's Desk 237
Book Notices 240
VOL. 27 NO. 6 JUNE 1985
Correspondence 242
Space Report 244
European Rendezvous Norman Longdon 249
Solar Max and the Climate Richard Lewis 250
Human Problems of Space Travel Richard Harding 254
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 257
Shuttle 51A Mission Report John Pfannerstill 260
The Johnson Space Center Curtis Peebles 266
Seating for Space James Oberg 269
Astronomical Notebook Prof. John Griffith 272
The Quest for Nathaniel Bliss L.J. Carter and A.T. Lawton 275
Research in Microgravity 283
Satellite Digest - 184 R.D. Christy 284
From the Secretary's Desk 285
Book Notices 287
VOL. 27 NOS. 7 & 8 JUL/AUG 1985
Correspondence 290
Space Report 293
Photographing Halley's Comet H.J.P. Arnold 298
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 302
The NORAD Space Network G.T. DeVere and N.L. Johnson 306
Designing a Microspacecraft J.D. Burk 310
Canada's Satellite System P. Jedicke and C. Cunningham 314
The Proton Launcher Alan Bond and John Parfitt 318
A Walk Around the World D.J. Shayler 321
The Getaway Special Project N. Steggall 322
Astronomical Notebook Prof. J.S. Griffith 325
Salyut Mission Report N. Kidger 327
From the Secretary's Desk 328
Society News 330
Space Meeting at Goddard L.J. Carter 332
VOL. 27 NOS. 9 & 10 SEPT/OCT 1985
Correspondence 340
Space Report 343
Space: The Long-Range Future Jesco von Puttkamer 348
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 355
Halley's Comet Update Halley's Comet and Babylon Dr. R. Stephenson and K. Yau 358
Spacelab 3 Early Results 361
Satellite Sailing J. Pearson 362
Shuttle 41C Mission Report John A. Pfannerstill 364
Astronomical Notebook Prof. John Griffith 367
Society News 368
From the Secretary's Desk 370
Solar Optical Telescope John Bird 371
Book Notices 373
40th Annual General Meeting
The Proposed New Constitution 378
VOL. 27 NO. 11 NOVEMBER 1985
Correspondence 387
Space Report 390
Shuttle Launch Schedule 394
Space: The Long Range Future (Part 2) Jesco von Puttkamer 395
News from the Cape Gordon L. Harris 401
Voyager at the Seventh Planet Dr. W.I. McLaughlin and D.M. Wolff 403
Halley's Comet Update 410
European Rendezvous Dr. Norman Longdon 412
Shuttle 51D Mission Report John A. Pfannerstill 414
Salyut Mission Report Neville Kidger 420
ITN and Apollo 11 Frank Miles 423
Society News 424
From the Secretary's Desk 426
Satellite Digest - 186 R.D. Christy 428
Book Notices 431
VOL. 27 NO. 12 DECEMBER 1985
Correspondence 435
Space Report 437
Space at JPL Dr. W.I. McLaughlin 440
View from Washington Walter Froehlich 443
The Pioneer Venus Extended Mission Dr. R.A. Craig 445
News from the Cape Gordon L. Harris 451
The CRAF Mission Keith Wilson 452
Halley's Comet Update 456
Halley's Comet Chronology 462
Shuttle 511 Mission Report Dr. Roelof Schuiling 466
Salyut Mission Report Neville Kidger 469
From the Secretary's Desk 472
Satellite Digest - 187 R.D. Christy 474
The French Space Budget Nicholas Steggall 475
Book Notices 476