Dec 24 1967

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Communist China exploded her seventh nuclear device at Lop Nor test site in Sinkiang Province. Low yield of test marked reversal of trend since first test Oct. 16, 1964. Yield size had increased progressively, culminating with June 17, 1967, explosion of hydrogen bomb. Test was not announced by Communist Chinese officials, but was detected by AEC. (AEC Release K-289; Finney, NYT, 12/25/67, 1)

Robert Walker, writing in the New York Times, reviewed new applications for industrial use of gold. In telephone industry, gold was used for coating electromechanical switch gear and for transmitter domes; in computers, for coating metal tapes and electroplating printed circuits; and in automotive industry, for connecting alternator-regulator systems. To aerospace industry, one of gold`s most important characteristics was that it reflected heat and light. Gold was used to coat the "umbilical cord" which connected Astronaut Edward H. White II to Gemini IV spacecraft (June 3, 1965); to cover shrouds that contracted very hot jet aircraft engine parts; and to coat satellites so that they reflected more than 90% of sun's heat. By adding oxides to gold coatings space scientists used the gold to absorb infrared energy which could be converted to electrical energy. (Walker, NYT, 12/24/67,1F)

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