Jun 21 1966

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NASA awarded Philco Corp. $3.5-million contract for four tri-axis magnetometers and supporting equipment to be left on moon by Apollo astronauts. One of seven geophysical instruments to be carried in ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package), 14.5-lb. magnetometer would determine presence or absence of lunar magnetic field, measure magnetic penetrability of moon, study interplanetary magnetic field and its diffusion to moon, and detect electrical currents in solar wind above lunar surface. (ARC Release 66-9)

USAF launched unidentified satellite with Thor-Agena D rocket from WTR. (US. Aeron. & Space Act., 1966, 153)

ComSatCorp president Dr. Joseph V. Charyk, speaking at National Space Club luncheon in Washington, D.C., disclosed plans for a $7-to $9 million laboratory to be built by ComSatCorp near Washington, D.C. Facility would employ about 200 people and would be completed by mid-1968. (Clark, NYT, 6/22/66, 12)

$3,000 block of magnesium used as vibration test fixture for Lunar Excursion Module's propellant-gaging system brought $28.14 in Los Angeles junk yard. Two trash collectors had diverted block from Apollo project into their disposal truck while emptying trash cans at Giannini Corp., Duarte, Calif. They were booked on suspicion of grand larceny. (UPI, Wash. Post, 6/24/66, A6)

Development of chemical laser requiring no external energy was advancing so rapidly it would "probably be achieved within a year or two." Prediction was made by Dr. George C. Pimental, professor of chemistry at Univ. of California, Berkeley, at AFOSR-sponsored seminar on "Science Frontiers" at Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Sullivan, NYT, 6/21/66, 12)

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