Aug 5 1966

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President Johnson signed H.R. 14324 authorizing $5,000,419,000 NASA appropriation for FY 1967, and then warned that he might have to cut back expenditures on space and other programs if prices and wages "rise in an inflationary way." He made no direct mention of current steel price hike or demands of International Assn. of Machinists in airline strike, but added: "If we are to continue our space effort and continue to make the magnificent progress represented by our past achievements, we can do so only if business and labor leaders will make their contribution by responsible pricing and bargaining decisions.,' (Pres. Doc., 8/8/66, 1026)

MSFC awarded North American Aviation, Inc., a $23,438,532 modification to an existing contract for "additional work in building and testing the Saturn V launch vehicle's second stage [[[Saturn II|S-II]]]." Work would include redesign of stage's umbilical system and additional testing of stage's hardware under simulated flight conditions. (MSFC Release 66-181)

German scientists Drs. Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, and Fritz Strassman were named joint recipients of AEC's 1966 Enrico Fermi Award for "their combined and individual efforts in discovering nuclear fission, and for their extensive experimental studies which led to this vital discovery." 1966 winners were first foreigners to receive award; Dr. Meitner was first woman recipient. (NYT, 8/6/66, 4)

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