ROCKETS, MISSILES AND SPACE TRAVEL by Ley, W. reviewed by Frederick I. Ordway III

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by Ley, W.

New York, 1957: Viking Press, 528 pages, $6.75 (1961 edition).

This is the revised and expanded edition of the standard Ley work that thoroughly covers the history of rocketry and astronautical concepts, with detailed attention being accorded the rise of rocket developments in Germany through the Peenemünde period. Valuable appendices and bibliographic materials are found at the end. (The book is an outgrowth of "Rockets," first published in 1944, expanded to "Rockets and Space Travel" in 1947 and to the present title in 1951). A revised, 1961 edition is now available.

Extracted from the 1962 Publication Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology with an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961. by Frederick I. Ordway III