Sep 8 1966

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NASA test pilot John B. McKay made successful emergency landing of X-15 No. 1 at Smith’s Ranch, Nev., after malfunction developed in aircraft’s fuel system. There was no damage to aircraft and no injury to pilot. Primary purpose of flight was photometer measurements of sharpness of earth’s horizon for use in Apollo program. ‘‘(X-15 Proj. Off.; UPI, Wash. Post, 9/9/66, B10)’’

Rep. Ogden Reid (R-N.Y.) introduced H.R. 17604 to amend National Aeronautics and Space Act to provide a NASA R&D program for aircraft noise abatement. Program would: attempt to develop workable measuring system for correlating intensity and quality of aircraft noise with effects on persons on the ground; develop quieter aircraft through research and development; compile knowledge on methods and devices for aircraft noise abatement; coordinate research relating to aircraft noise abatement; and determine cause and develop solutions for other “related nuisances.” ‘‘(NASA LAR V/146)’’

Dr. Winston E. Kock, first director of ERC, had resigned to return to Bendix Corp., effective Oct. 1. James C. Elms, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, would replace him. ‘‘(NASA Release 66-247)’’

US. should divert funds from NASA’s Apollo program and from Federal highway projects to improve urban housing and transportation systems, Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D-Minn.) suggested to International Conference of Social Work in Washington, D.C. ‘‘(Honsa, Wash. Post, 9/9/66, A14)’’

Development of a “magnetic hammer” at MSFC had saved the Government some $2,130,000 in 1965 and netted its inventors $2,500 each-largest joint invention award ever made at MSFC. A portable device which created an intense magnetic field to move metal uniformly without marring the surface, hammer had been used to replace mechanical stretching of Saturn V bulkhead gore segments and restore previously rejected segments. Inventors were Robert J. Schwinghamer, MSFC, and Leslie D. Foster, formerly of MSFC and currently with Comprehensive Designers, Inc. ‘‘(MSFC Release 66-206)’’

FCC’s Oct. 1 deadline for filing comments on whether or not private entities should be allowed to establish special-purpose communications satellite systems for domestic use was extended to Nov. 3. Initially FCC had requested that comments and proposals be submitted by Aug. 1. Complexity of proposals submitted by ComSatCorp and the Ford Foundation on that date and resulting questions and discussion had necessitated two extensions of the deadline. ‘‘(Adams, NYT, 9/9/66, 77)’’

In response to allegations that F-111 aircraft was unacceptable as an all purpose military aircraft, DOD told Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) that: (1) production of F-111A for USAF was on schedule with first deliveries planned in 1967; (2) performance of the aircraft would be close to 1962 evaluations; (3) aircraft would be superior to any other tactical weapons system in the world in “critical” factors of range, payload, speed, and versatility; (4) cost variations were “typical of large scale development programs”; and (5) goal of one basic aircraft for two services was being met. ‘‘(CR, 9/8/66, 21207)’’

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