Sep 21 1966

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Juan T. Trippe, chairman and chief executive officer of Pan American World Airways, in remarks made when he received National Defense Transportation Assn. Award in Dallas, urged development of both Boeing and Lockheed supersonic transport prototypes: “Only further competition between these two manufacturers, during the three years required to build and flight-test the prototypes, can insure that the American supersonic transport ultimately selected will have the maximum attainable performance.” ‘‘(Text, Av. Wk., 9/26/66, 21)’’

NASA awarded Honeywell, Inc., a $4.2-million, fixed-price contract to provide six computer complexes to support Apollo Command Module and lunar-module simulators at MSC and KSC by March 1967. ‘‘(NASA Release 66-254)’’

Dr. Robert H. Cannon, Jr., professor of aeronautics and astronautics at Stanford Univ., succeeded Dr. Robert G. Loewy as USAF’s chief scientist. Appointment was for one year. ‘‘(DOD Release 791-66; MIS Daily, 9/20/66,21)’’

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