SPACE RESEARCH by Bijl, H. K. Kallman (ed) reviewed by Frederick I. Ordway III

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by Bijl, H. K. Kallman (ed)

Amsterdam, 1960: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1,195 pages, $24.00 (available through Interscience Publishers, New York)

Divided into seven parts, the book is the proceedings of the First International Space Science Symposium held in Nice in 1960, and sponsored by COSPAR. Main sections are entitled: "The Earth's Atmosphere," "The Ionosphere," "Tracking and Telemetering," "Solar Radiation," "Cosmic Radiation," "Interplanetary Dust," and "The Moon and the Planets." Typical chapter titles are: "Corpuscular Heating of the Outer Atmosphere," "Some Effects of the Ionosphere on Signals from Earth Satellites," "Radio Propagation between Space Vehicle and The Earth in the Presence of the Ionosphere," "The Tracking of Satellites by Doppler Methods," "Progress in Design and Implementation of Scientific Spacecraft," "Orbital Elements of the Artificial Satellite 1958 Epsilon," "Cosmic Rays Emitted by the Sun," "Measurements of the Van Allen Radiation Belt during Magnetic Storms," "Project Vanguard Magnetic Field Instrumentation and Measurements," "Cosmic Ray Investigation by the Second Cosmic Rocket Landed on the Moon," "Soft Radiation Measurements on Explorer VI Earth Satellite," "Surveys of the Distant Geomagnetic Field: Pioneer I and Explorer VI," "The Results of Studies of Meteoric Dust by Means of Sputnik III and Space Rockets," "Description of the First Space Station Photographing the Moon," and "Exobiology Experimental Approaches to Life beyond the Earth."

Extracted from the 1962 Publication Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology with an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961. by Frederick I. Ordway III