Robert P. McCoy, Ph.D.

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Robert P. McCoy, Ph.D.

Robert McCoy is a space physicist and team leader for space science in the Ocean, Atmosphere, and Space Department of the Office of Naval Research in Arlington, VA. Mr. McCoy funds basic and applied research in space science and technology at universities and government laboratories to help meet current and future needs of the US Navy. He holds bachelors and masters degrees in physics and a Ph.D. in astro-geophysics from the University of Colorado. After college, he spent fifteen years at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. as a research physicist in space science. He built and flew a series of sounding rocket and satellite experiments to measure ultraviolet airglow from the Earth's upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The goal of this work is to develop techniques for measuring and modeling the ionosphere to improve naval systems affected by disturbances in the ionosphere such as GPS navigation and satellite communication.


Category:Kids To Space - Authors