11. How many days of school would it take to get there and back? Will I be missing school if I go to space? (A K2S Question)

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It would depend on where and how far you will be traveling in space. If you wanted a chance to reach space, you would need to go about 62 miles up from Earth to reach it. For this flight, you would only miss a half day of school. If you wanted to fly to the Moon, it would take you about three to four days to reach it, and then you would want to spend some time there before your return. If you were going to Mars, it would take up to eight months to arrive there. Right now NASA is working on new ways of building a rocket that would get you to Mars much faster. Once on Mars you would want to live there for at least a year and do all kinds of activities and experiments to help build a colony for future space visitors.

Answer provided by Pam Leestma

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer