13. Should people who want to be teachers in space study certain subjects now? (A K2S Question)

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If you have a desire to be a space teacher, my guess is that you already love to learn about science and math and know or want to know how these subjects relate to space. Think about what area of space science you want to learn about and then take as many classes as you can to learn all you can. When doing research papers or projects, try to choose that area of space science that you are focusing on. Ask your teachers to help you get in touch with professionals who do the work that interests you. Visit them or ask them about what it takes to do their jobs. You should study as hard as you can and do your best. It will be so worth it! Even if it gets hard, don't be afraid to ask questions—as many as you need so you can learn and understand more. Never give up! When a good teacher sees that you are a student who desires to know more and will work hard, that teacher can be the best ticket to help you prepare for being a space educator!

Answer provided by Pam Leestma

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer