14. Will our space studies help us in the future? (A K2S Question)

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Space exploration, space tourism, Moon colonies, Mars exploration and beyond, and whatever more you can imagine, are apart of your future. Maybe through some research and discovery relating to space that you helped to make happen, other scientists and doctors will find a cure for AIDS, or other illnesses like Alzheimer's. Maybe all kinds of cancers can be cured completely someday by the collection of important data you accumulated during your time and research in space. There are endless possibilities that haven't yet been discovered but are waiting to be found. Will you be the one? Your contribution of study, time, and effort in whatever space-related interest you choose could improve our life here on Earth.

Answer provided by Pam Leestma

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer