Jun 20 1969

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Aerobee 150 MI sounding rocket launched by NASA from WSMR with VAM-20 booster carried Princeton Univ. observatory payload to 112.5-mi (181-km) altitude to study UV radiation of hot stars in constellation Scorpius with 1 A and 0.3 A resolution. Rocket and instruments functioned satisfactorily, but camera and stabilization were completely demolished because of fall after parachute failed. (NASA Rpt SRL)

"There is a good chance there is some form of life on Mars," Los Angeles Herald-Examiner quoted Dr. William H. Pickering, JPL Director, as saying in interview. "The planet has a thin atmosphere, the climate is tough but not completely unreasonable." Changes of colors on Mars could be vegetation. Mars' seasons were like earth's but twice as long. Its days were same length as earth's. (Smith, LA Her-Exam, 6/19/69)

[{Saturn II|S-II]] stage for ninth Saturn V launch vehicle was successfully test-fired at MTF for almost six minutes. All test objectives were met. (Marshall Star, 6/25/69, 2)

MSFC announced appointment of Saverio F. Morea, former manager of F-1 and J-2 engine projects, as manager of new lunar roving vehicle project. Small manned vehicle would weigh 400 lbs and would be carried on board LM in 1971 to provide lunar surface transportation for two astronauts, hand tools, lunar samples, and other equipment. (MSFC Release 69-150)

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