Mar 26 1961

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NASA Thor-Delta fired Explorer X (P-14) into highly elliptical orbit (apogee of 148,000 miles, perigee of 100 miles) with instruments to transmit data on the nature of the magnetic fields and charged particles in this region of space where the Earth's magnetic field merges with that m interplanetary space.

Prof. Martin Schwarzschild, of Princeton University, named by the National Academy of Sciences to receive the Henry Draper Medal for his work as director of ONR's Project Stratoscope (produced clear photos of the structure of the surface of the Sun).

U.S.S.R. launched Spacecraft V, a more than 5-ton payload, and recovered capsule containing a dog named Little Star. This was apparently a repeat of the March 9 shot.

NASA Aerobee research rocket with University of Michigan payload shot to 252-mile altitude from Wallops Station.

Pravda article stated that the day was "not far distant when a Soviet human being will rocket into space."

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