Jun 18 1961

From The Space Library

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Senate Government Operations Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery released report on "Science Organization and the President's Office." This study recommended that a new Office of Science and Technology be created in the Executive Office of the President.

Skin divers parachuted north of Hawaii to recover the capsule of Discoverer XXV, which carried samples of common and rare metals.

Presidium of the U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet awarded 7,026 honors to those associated with the flight of the spaceship satellite Vostok 1: Nikita S. Khrushchev received the Order of Lenin and a third Gold Hammer and Sickle Medal for "guiding the creation and development of the rocket industry, science, and technology" which "opened up a new era in the conquest of space"; 7 outstanding scientists and designers received a second Gold Hammer and Sickle Medal; 95 designers, officials, and technicians received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor; and 6,924 workers, designers, scientists, and technicians received various orders and medals (Order of Lenin, 478 persons; Order of the Red Banner of Labor, 1,218; Order of the Red Star, 256; Order of the Badge of Honor, 1,789; and medals to 3,183 other persons).

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