Jun 23 1961

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NASA–DOD Executive Committee for Joint Lunar Study and a Joint Lunar Study Program Office established by letter directive to work out and define support requirements for the U.S. manned lunar landing program.

NASA–USAF–USN X-15 flown to 3,603 miles per hour (mach 5.3), record for manned aircraft by Maj. Robert White, U.S. Air Force, which was faster than a mile per second. Losing cabin pressure at 100,000 feet, White was able to pilot the X-15 safely because of full-pressure suit. This was the fifth powered NASA flight with the XLR-99 engine.

Joint study was undertaken by NASA and DOD to make recommendations on the launch site to be used for the manned lunar exploration missions. A report of this study was completed in July.

Nike-Cajun sounding rocket fired from Eglin Gulf Test Range by Cambridge Research Laboratory with micrometeorite counting payload.

Director of Marshall Space Flight Center directed that further engineering work on Saturn C-2 configuration would be discontinued, and that efforts would be applied to clarification of the Saturn C-3 and Nova concepts.

Tiros II completed 7 months in orbit, still providing useful data.

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