June 1961

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National Academy of Sciences established the Geophysics Research Board (GRB) in 1960 in response to a request from the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). By June 1961, it had four active panels to consider specific international programs: World Magnetic Survey (WMS); International Year of the Quiet Sun (IQSY); International Exchange of Scientific Data; and Solid Earth Problems.

Dr. Theodore von Kármán and some of his associates organized the Astronautics Foundation, Inc., in Washington, D.C., to enable U.S. individuals and corporations to support through this nonprofit foundation various cooperative international activities.

Boeing began modification of B-52 to carry aloft and release the Dyna-Soar manned space glider.

Army Redstone missile completed its 8-year military test program (41 successes in 45 launchings).

NASA entered letter contract with RCA for four additional Tiros weather satellites to extend the program.

  • June

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