January 1962

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Manned Rogallo-wing paraglider built by NASA's Flight Research Center launched by automobile tow from Rogers Dry Lake, Calif. Tests may include launch of glider by aircraft tow, leading to development of inflatable paraglider for use with Gemini and Apollo Programs.

European Broadcasting Union in Brussels undertook detailed planning for intercontinental TV experimentation and programing via NASA's Project Relay and AT&T's Telstar satellites to be launched in late summer of 1962. Construction of stations for participation in the tests were reported underway in England, France, West Germany, and Italy.

Nimbus meteorological satellite underwent rigorous test program at GE's Missile and Space Vehicle Center at Valley Forge, Pa.

NASA awarded contract to Kollsman Instrument Division for 38inch-diameter primary mirror in the space telescope to be used in the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory ([[Orbiting Astronomical Observatory|OAO).

NASA let contract with University of Denver to study the commercial use of space technological advancements as well as possible means to increase and forecast future civil products which may be generated by current space research.

NASA initiated a $1.2 million contract with Documentation, Inc., to operate a completely integrated technical information center for one year. The Center will disseminate space data to NASA, its prime contractors, and designated organizations and individuals throughout the free world, using latest automation for information retrieval, communication, and data acquisition equipment. The facility will be located in Bethesda, Md.

Management of Centaur contracts became a direct responsibility of MSFC, with transfer of Hawthorne (Calif.) Centaur Space Vehicle Project Office to MSFC.

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