Feb 2 1962

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NASA announced that it was negotiating with Bendix Corp. and Radio Corp. of America on a contract to operate five manned-spaceflight tracking stations at Bermuda, Grand Canary Island, Kano (Nigeria), Zanzibar, and Guaymas (Mexico), as well as test and demonstration facility at NASA Wallops Station, Va. Project Mercury network would also he used for Project Gemini.

Rep. James G. Fulton, senior Republican on the House Committee on Science and Astronautics, said in an interview: "There's no doubt our overall space program is slipping despite the high words and fine praise coming from the White House . . . If it continues to slip, we'll be lucky to get a man on the moon before 1980." Reported from Cairo, Egypt, that Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin has said that the United States "eventually" would orbit a man around the earth.

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