Mar 22 1962

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Experimental ejection-seat capsule for use in supersonic aircraft was ejected from USAF B-58 at 870 mph and 35,000 ft. Bear and capsule landed safely by parachute near Edwards AFB. Calif., 7 min. 49 sec. later.

USAF launched a Minuteman from a silo at AMR and sent it 4,000 miles downrange, the seventh straight success in the Minuteman silo-launch test series.

Sir Bernard Lovell, Director of the Jodrell Bank Experimental Station in England, testified before the House Science and Astronautics Committee that life on other planets was a real possibility, estimated that four per cent of the billions of stars in the universe must have planets capable of sustaining life,. Listening for messages from other planets would not be worthwhile on a random basis; if disarmament came, military radar might be devoted to this purpose, he said.

NAA announced that Mrs. Constance Wolf would receive the 1961 Montgolfier Award from the FAT for her balloon flight from Big Springs, Tex., to Boley, Okla., on November 19-20, 1961. Claiming 15 world records, Mrs. Wolf would be the first woman to receive this international award.

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