Jun 20 1962

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Aerobee 150A launched from Wallops Station with 271-lb. payload boosted to 97-mile altitude; carried camera to study behavior of liquid hydrogen under conditions of symmetrical heating and zero gravity. Lewis Research Center payload was recovered 25 minutes after liftoff.

Legal Subcommittee of the 28-nation United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space concluded its first session of three weeks' duration with a factual report. The report indicated that "no agreement has been reached on any proposals" but that a "most useful exchange of views" had been held.

Thor missile with nuclear warhead launched for high-altitude nuclear test (Operation Dominic), destroyed over Johnston Island two minutes after launch.

Army Corps of Engineers issued a call for bids to modify Launch Complex 19 at Cape Canaveral to accept the Gemini manned spacecraft. The Corps estimated that work would cost about $1.5 million and bids would be opened August 16.

Radarastronomy observations of the moon taken by Millstone radar, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, revealed unusually strong echo from region of crater Tycho. G. H. Pettengill and J. C. Henry, who reported on experiments in Journal of Geophysical Research, concluded the enhanced radar reflectivity may be explained by unusually rough crater floor and by crater walls consisting of material characteristic of lunar subsurface.

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