Jul 20 1962

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NASA Administrator Webb announced that the Mission Control Center for future manned space flights would be located at Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), Houston, Tex. The Center, including its computer complex, communications center, flight simulation facility, and flight operations displays, would be operational by 1964 for Gemini rendezvous flights and later Apollo lunar missions.

USAF launched an unidentified satellite employing a Thor-Agena B booster from Vandenberg AFB.

U.S. Weather Bureau transmitted TIROS V photographs to Australia from Suitland, Md., the first time that Tiros photographs had been transmitted abroad for current weather analysis by a foreign country. Photographs were of cloud formations west of Australia.

USAF-NASA 30-member ad hoc committee established to plan a "joint hypersonic research program for the next couple of years." The committee would consider two primary missions for the Aerospace Plane (ASP), or hypersonic aircraft: (1) vehicle system to provide earth-to-orbit-and-return capability; and (2) earth aircraft capable of 5,000-mi. unrefueled ASP would be follow-on program to X-15 research aircraft program.

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