Nov 17 1962

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Aerobee sounding rocket launched from NASA Wallops Station, the vehicle carrying 211-lb. instrumented payload to 128-mi. altitude in experiment to study behavior of liquid hydrogen exposed to radiant heating and zero gravity. Experiment was conducted for NASA Lewis Research Center, which would use data obtained in development of liquid-hydrogen rocket engines.

Four USN officers in altitude chamber were injured when electrical spark ignited fire in the chamber, near end of 14-day experiment at USN Air Crew Equipment Laboratory, Philadelphia. Men were participating in NASA experiment to determine effect on human beings of breathing pure oxygen for 14 days at simulated high altitudes.

USAF Systems Command said re-entry from space flights was being simulated at Flight Control Laboratory, Aeronautical Systems Div., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. The tests were "part of AFSC's long-range Mark IV program to determine the control-display requirements for advanced orbital vehicles." Fifth attempt to launch Polaris A-3 missile failed when Polaris second stage veered off course and had to be destroyed.

DOD released following statement: "Lockheed [Aircraft Corp.] stands alone in refusing to follow the course that the other members of the [aerospace] industry considered reasonable. . . . Should a strike take place at Lockheed, Department of Defense programs of critical urgency to the national defense would be affected. It is imperative in the national interest that the Department of Defense make necessary preparations to minimize to the greatest extent possible any loss of production that might follow a work stoppage. Responsible officials of the Department of Defense are therefore considering whether alternate means of production can be utilized so that work on these vital programs can go forward in the event of a stoppage at Lockheed."

Low yield nuclear device was exploded in atmosphere at U.S.S.R. Semipalatinsk testing grounds, 32nd Soviet test announced by AEC in current series.

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