Nov 27 1962

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Aerobee 150A sounding rocket launched from White Sands Missile Range, N.M., in NASA experiment to gather data on solar radiation intensity in ultraviolet region. Rocket carried spectrophotometer package to 124-mi. altitude. Preliminary experimental results: "High voltage arcing in the instrumentation prohibited collection of scientific data . . . ." Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, Assistant Director of Lunar and Planetary Programs, NASA Office of Space Sciences, was appointed chairman of Joint Working Group of NASA Office of Space Sciences and Office of Manned Space Flight. Group would be responsible for (1) recommending detailed program of scientific exploration in future manned flights; (2) defining information desired from unmanned flights to support manned flights; and (3) establishing and maintaining close liaison with NASA field centers, other Government agencies, and universities in development of integrated scientific program for manned flight. Dr. Shoemaker had been employed by U.S. Geological Survey as Chief of Astrogeology Branch in Menlo Park, Calif.

Experimental new method of producing synthesis of chemicals with low-energy ions was reported by Rocket Power, Inc., a solid-propellant manufacturer. Milton Farber, vice president and director of laboratories, and Dr. Stanley Singer, chief chemist, indicated several new compounds had been produced. Mr. Farber said the ion-synthesis method could produce rocket propellants perhaps 10 per cent more efficient than any now available in U.S. "The key is the speed of the ions. If the beam of ions meets the target chemical at too high a rate, shattering occurs. By controlling the velocity of the ions, they can be made to merge with the chemical, creating a new compound." Research project was sponsored by USAF OAR.

Representative Chet Holifield, Chairman of Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, declared in speech that "moon madness" is starving scientific programs other than space exploration. He predicted budgetary troubles for atomic energy programs because of "greater priority" of space programs.

November 27–December 9: Four launchings of Centaur rockets took place from the Argentine Rocket Range, Chamical, as part of worldwide program of simultaneous measurements of winds and turbulence in the ionosphere by means of sodium-cloud experiments. The Argentine launchings were joint cooperative effort of French National Committee on Space Studies and the Argentine National Commission on Space Research.

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