Apollo 11 30th Anniversary Press Conference 3D

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To view this in 3D use red/cyan glasses. Image:Redcyanglasses.jpg‎

Allow 30 seconds of acclimatisation before viewing. (Large file, 200MB)

3D video* of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Eugene Cernan and Walt Cunningham interviewed in the Saturn V building at the Kennedy Space Center in July 1999.

*Composite video of official NASA footage and 3D footage. Shot from front row of the press scrum by Robert Godwin with a prismatic interlaced NTSC 3D video camera and then digitally converted to anaglyph and downsampled to Flash video.

This is supposed to be a flash animation. You'll need the flash plugin and a browser that supports it to view it.

Apollo 11 30th Anniversary Press Conference. Image by Miles O'Brien