Jan 15 1968

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NASA announced personnel changes: Samuel H. Hubbard, OMSF Special Assistant, Gemini Program, moved to Apollo Applications Program Office as Special Assistant for Programs, responsible for ensur­ing adequate communications and documentation were provided by AAP in support of organizations with program interfaces. Col. Maynard E. White (USAF, Ret.), Director, MSF Program Con­trol, was named Director of MSF Management Operations. Jerald K. Kubat of Apollo Program Control would succeed him. (NASA Ann)

USAF Air Defense Command was redesignated Aerospace Defense Com­mand. (SBD, 1/3/68, 1; AFHF Newsletter, 2/68)

Terms for development, production, and launch of two comsats for U.K. under DOD contract announced March 8, 1967, were made final in $7,535,000 fixed-price-incentive-fee USAF contract with Philco-Ford Corp.'s Space and Re-entry Systems Div. First satellite would be launched into synchronous, equatorial orbit with Thor-Delta booster from ETR in 1968; second satellite would be backup. Philco-Ford would design satellites "to satisfy certain defense communications require­ments of the United Kingdom." Satellites would have station-keeping ca­pability to maintain specific positions over earth. Space and Missile Sys­tems Organization would be contracting agency. (AFSC Release 195.67)

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